Charadium, We Doodle, what’s next?

We Doodle and Charadium projects are being discontinued. What’s next? Will the drawing and guessing fun end?

Of course not! And it’s getting better than ever.

The plan is simple:

  1. take two great draw-and-guess games we created
  2. make them even better
  3. release this fall
  4. have drawing fun!
  1. brechtiejj says:

    It seems like ngmoco is losing interest in all their games (except for we rule). Adventure bay is closing next month and it looks like they abandoned we farm a few weeks ago 🙁

  2. dementuschikan says:

    Cool. Does this mean the “Charadium: Hookup Edition” I’ve been wanting for so long is finally coming?! Seriously, the number of people wanting to privately “chat” instead of draw and play the game in Charadium was getting ridiculously out of control. Hopefully any new drawing game will have a way to more easily boot or mute people.

  3. Peaches says:

    We love you On-5!!!!!!!

    It’s been really sad hearing WeDoodle is being retired, but now you are giving us something to look forward to!

  4. Rachhod says:

    Excellent news!! When wedoodle retires I will now have something to repose it with!!!! Thank you!!!

  5. Rachhod says:

    Excellent news!! When wedoodle retires I will now have something to replace it with!!!! Thank you!!!

  6. Tresa (tcsion) says:

    This is TERRIFIC news!! I’m so glad your giving us lots of hope. You don’t know how sad it has been for us We Doodle lovers to hear of it’s retirement. With the the 27th coming so soon, we’ve all been devastated!

    Is there anything we can do!? Would you like comments from your fellow gamers as to what we’d love to see in the new WD!?

    Overall, YOU ROCK ON-5!!!


  7. admin says:

    Thank you for your comments!

    Tresa, I think we are fine now, we have lots of reviews in the AppStore! Thank you!

  8. Tresa (tcsion) says:

    It’s so wonderful to get your responses! 
    It’s too bad we can’t see/add to the WD reviews in the app store, as it’s no longer accessible (it’s not available for purchase).
    But we are all too excited!! 

  9. Katy says:

    U have made the world a better place!!! Hope u know that we doodlers have made friendships all over the world and we are so grateful for this news!!! U rock!!!

  10. Kimberly says:

    OMG!!! sooo thrilled t hear!! Lots of us have truly made some amazing friendships!!! Cant wait to continue on the “doodling” with them all!! CANT THANK YOU ENUFF!!! xo 

  11. On5 says:

    We are working hard on the new release. Slight delays, but still aiming for a public release in fall.

    Thank you all once again!

  12. Player says:

    Правильно ли понимаю, что релиз состоится 25-27 октября 2011 г.? На тесте приложения находятся 2 недели, объявление 11.10.2011……

  13. Anna says:

    Уважаемые господа! С одной стороны, хочу вас поблагодарить за игру Шарадиум, с другой – выразить свое крайнее сожаление по-поводу ее закрытия. Одно радует – вы объявили о выходе новой игры, которая, я надеюсь, станет достойной заменой ушедших.
    Являясь неофициальным лидером российской группы любителей игры Шарадиум и Wedoodle (, хотела бы поучастовать в бетатестировании.

    Буду крайне признательна.

    С уважением, Анна

  14. Dil2010109 says:

    Like my fellow doodlers I am ecstatic to hear u are continuing we doodle. You are combing it with charadium u say, any hints to what the new game will b called and as for ones who wish to chat I don’t think u could take that away from them it is a peep game and we all love to say hi and catch up with each other. Once again thanku for considering us doodlers we look forward to the new release

  15. Naomi says:

    Thanks so much I’m already lost without doodle! I was wondering, Will we get some similar extras like the colours, stamps, backgrounds, shapes etc to purchase or earn? And if we had bought some already over the time we’ve played we doodle, will we lose those ones?? (I spent money building up my colours and pens etc it would be a shame to lose)

  16. On5 says:

    Naomi, we’ll find a way to save everything for people who have paid for something in We Doodle or Charadium.

  17. Dylan says:

    So why is it that i cant get “Charadium pro” or “We Doodle” in the app store, i have Charadium and its a great app wonderful packed with fun. I just wanna know when this new game is gonna come out that combines the two, Thanks